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Ressler Roosevelt Semen Available

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| Reference Sires |

When selecting a sire for your herd, one must remember that the choice is essential to your herds future. It represents the greatest opportunity to significantly influence the genetic impact of your herd. While we believe the females have a crucial influence on one's herd, one bull can contribute a larger portion of the future generation's calves in one breeding season. This one bull can quickly improve the genetics relevant to your herd's improvement. This is why we carefully select bulls each year, knowing that their son's and daughters will have an impact on your herd. 

SAV Big Rig 0934 is an exceptional sire – blending the valuable outcross blood of Marcys Scale Crusher with SAV Blackcap May 4574. ‘Big Rig’ is a flush brother to ‘SAV Crush 0935’ with BIG Rig himself being a truly unique bull. He has  impacted the productivity and profitability in the beef business. His productive dam is a beautiful and broody cow with powerful dimension and superb structure. She is a flush sister to SAV Regard 4863. His calves are standouts in terms of powerful phenotype, breed impacting performance, carcass merit and cow family strength to a versatile lineage, employable to most bloodlines. We can’t wait to see his daughters in production.

Ellingson Fortified  Semen Available

SAV Big Rig             Semen Available

A massive individual with tons of performance, design, and cow making phenotype. His substance, natural fleshing capabilities, growth performance and foot improving qualities have already been heavily utilized in our breeding program as well as other ranches across the nation. His sons and daughters are walking pastures in most of the nation's beef producing states. Big Rig stamps his offspring and there performance is just beginning to be utilized. 


BAR B-52               Semen Available

B-52 has proven to add ample frame, length, growth, and style to each set of his calves. His daughters are long, powerful, femininely and gorgeously patterned in a balanced package with excellent feet. The daughters are performing well in our herd and bulls and steers have continuously brought performance, 3 dimensional shape and pounds to the table. (Cow Bull)

Ressler Roosevelt     Semen Available

We carefully chose to combine the scale pounding performance sire, Roughrider, and the maternal powerhouse Mohnen Jilt 539. This is the only mating of its kind in the entire world. The result, a bull safe to use on heifers, calves that come easy, and develop into a smooth build and Angus breed character that has made the breed so successful. (Heifer bull)

Deer Valley Growth Fund

GROWTH FUND offers consistent quality regarding phenotype and genetic merit for almost any mating combination for both males and females. 
His powerful dam is backed by sires of WEIGH UP and 5050 and his third dam is the legendary 614 female. Angus royalty that have proven to add performance and value year after year.   It’s rare to find a bull that captures one’s eye on paper and in the pasture. GROWTH FUND is a structurally sound, moderate-framed bull with a powerful hip and rear leg.  He exhibits extra neck extension, a smooth shoulder and is wide topped and wide-based with muscle expression and depth of body.

Connealy Craftsman

Craftsman is one of the most unique and adaptable maternal bulls in the breed. His progeny are powerfully made, have expressive muscle, are long bodied, with explosive growth and tremendous balance and correctness. CRAFTSMAN’s physical presence and breed character add to his overall package. He is striking though his front 1/3 and offers great length and shape down his top with combined with excellent structural integrity.

Order Semen

To order semen on any bulls we own or embryos on cows in the herd, please fill out the form below or call Ryan at | 701-797-7212 | to relay your selection. 

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